I always looked forward to the change in routine of school holidays. No more rush in trying to get my boys ready for school, and delivered there on time. It was so good just to be able to enjoy a more relaxed early morning and to be able to plan activities and visits we could do together, or just to be at home, as I was fortunate to have a jo where I had time off during school holidays. But for many parents the rush continues and the juggling of work and children goes on, with the help of grandparents, friends and organised activities, as a matter of necessity.
Let’s also spare a thought (hopefully of gratitude) for all the teachers, so in need of rest and recreation after the challenges of the past 16 months, before they begin to plan for the next academic year beginning in September.
As parents, there are always the extra challenges of keeping growing children fed, watered and occupied, so the school holidays are often far from a holiday where you can put your feet up. There is also the additional cost of having children at home that can be a real challenge and it has been good to see that supermarkets like Morrisons are still offering lunch food for children in need. The Pantry foodbank is also seeking to help the families we support during the holiday period. Anyone wishing to offer support to The Pantry (our local foodbank) please do get in touch with Marion (07514458186).
In our villages we begin to see the endless stream of caravans and cars driving to the various caravan parks; people coming to enjoy the seaside and countryside that we are so fortunate to live in. Shopping becomes even more of a challenge, wherever you shop, with the increased number of people, who needs are to be met, and queueing up to shop in some places becomes the norm.
It is so good to be able to welcome visitors to our area; for the boost it gives to our economy, but with the visitors comes the challenge to be welcoming. In the last week the Parochial Church Council (PCC) of Burgh Castle church met to discuss the way forward, following the relaxation of the guidelines for churches. Usually the church is open most of the day and in some weeks we have welcomed more than 400 people into the church in a week. We are hoping to be able to open the church on Thursdays and Fridays each week, so if you are one of the people who enjoys sitting quietly in the church and the peace that can be found there, this will be good news. Usually we have prayer spaces and prayer activities for our visitors but we are not currently able to offer this.
The word holiday originates from the time given for holy days in the Christian calendar; so time was given for people to rest and reflect, and focus on worship of God and remembering specific events, such as Christmas, Easter, Jesus’ ascension back to heaven, Whitsun (the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost). Holy days were for the benefit of body, mind and spirit. In the Bible there is clear teaching that we human beings will benefit in life if we rest on the seventh day of the week – which we seem to have overlooked in much of society today. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath is what Jesus taught. So holidays and days of rest are important if we are to thrive and be the best we can; they keep us healthy in body mind and spirit.
For those of you whose response is “holiday rest – some hope!” as you use all your energy to keep your family entertained, watered and fed, Jesus himself knows how you feel. There were times when he wanted to retreat with his disciples for some rest or to learn together, but the crowds saw where he went, followed him, and put paid to any hope of time and space away from the crowds. Ask God to help you; Jesus was able to keep going for the times he needed to and he will help you in your circumstances too.